7 Ways to deal with a break up

Most of the
times, we are so invested in the relationship that even after it ends we keep
rebuilding it in our mind hoping that someday it’ll be the same again.
that doesn’t happen 99% of the time. So the first step is to accept the breakup, accept that that person doesn’t exist in your life anymore as you want
them to, accept that it is going to be painful coping up but there is no going
Accepting it
will not only give you the power to cope up with the breakup but will also give
you clarity of emotions, which we overlook most of the times while moving on
from someone.
2. 2. Understand that
it is okay to be devastated for a while
Breakups can be really
hard, whether it was a 2-month relationship or 10 years one. You need to
accept that even though it was for a short amount of time, it mattered to you,
you invested time into in and hence it will hurt. And there is absolutely
nothing to be ashamed of to sit in your room for days and crying listening to
sad songs if that will make you feel lighter. But it is also important to know
here when to stop scooching in your blanket; which I will discuss later in the
points ahead.
Give yourself
enough time to heal, wet as many tissues as you want. Don’t be ashamed to show
your emotions to yourself.
3. 3. Don’t run away.
As much as you
think running away from your ex would be helpful, it’s mostly not. Because at
some point in your life, you would either run into them on the street or see
them in someone else’s pictures and at that moment, your 10 months of hard work
will come crashing down, because while moving on you didn’t face them, and just
ended up ignoring your feelings instead of ending them in a healthy way.
It is perfectly
okay to remove them from your social media but don’t change schools or
neighbourhood because it makes it hard for you to see them every day.
The bravest way
to get over a breakup is to give up all your defenses first and then rise up
picking up new weapons. This confidence will not only get you through the breakup but will also make you happier after you’ve finally moved on because
‘yay you're proud of your Lil heart!’
4. 4. Don’t
materialize the memories
As much as you
would like to smell his hoodie all night, or reading the letter she gave you,
it will only make you go steps backward.
Personally, I’ve
held onto things from exes for more than 2 years and all it did was pull me
back 10 steps behind when I moved 1 step forward.
It is important
to realize that one should cherish the memories that are forever than obsess
over temporary material things.
Don’t get rid of
them immediately, process them for a while, get a little control of your
emotions and then slowly work your way through discarding them. De-cluttering
such a huge chunk from your room, will not only make you move on from them but
will also give you a fresh start without the toxicity of the other person.
5. 5. Know when to
You’ve been in
your bed, crying, binge eating ice-cream for far too long, which is not only
making your parents get worried about you but also adding up to the negativity
of the breakup.
It’s very
important to let the tears out, but you need to set a limit for yourself, where
you explain to yourself that you’ve been scooched up in the apartment for too
long, you need to go out and face the world, without your ex-partner.
It takes
different amounts of time to move on from an ex and only you can positively decide
when the right time is to stop obsessing over them.
6. 6. Avoid trash-talking
about your ex or playing the victim card
As much as you
would like to bitch about your ex to your friends, or feel like you’re better
than them, it is only going to make you hate-obsess them and think about them
more and more. Sometimes instead of trash-talking about your ex no matter how
bad they were, it actually helps in objectively analyzing what went wrong in
the relationship and the things you learned from the whole experience. Just make
sure you’re learning from all this with the intention of growth.
As much as the person must have hurt you, thinking of yourself as the victim and looking at
yourself and making others look at you with pity isn’t going to help you grow,
it will keep you at the exact same point you were at the time of breakups.
As toxic as the
breakups can be, there is a time limit, where you need to decide you need to
move on, and if you don’t come out of the relationship stronger, you aren’t
going to give yourself a room to grow in your next relationship or in your life
in general. Being angry is fine, but then maturely taking ahead only the
positives with you are what will make you stronger than the victim you thought
you were.
7. 7. Pen down your
anger and feelings
Imagine if you
got one shot at saying everything you want to your ex, or getting a chance to
vent down all that anger at them. Sounds good right?
Well, this idea
is actually fun, because you need to write down all that you feel about your ex
and about your breakup, vent it all out, don’t leave anything, write curse
words if you feel like it, write that you miss them or still love them, write
that you hate them BUT once you’re done writing that letter, DO NOT READ IT.
Simply take the later and tear it as violently as you can, maybe dramatically
throw the torn letter into the trash, but do not read it again. The idea behind
this is, once you’re done puking everything out, you don’t want to take it all
back in do you? the same thing applies here. Once you’ve vented out all your
emotions, re-reading them will get them back in your mind, which is a big NO
Most needed for a friend of mine... N Im gonna pass on this link to him so that he can read it and benefit from it.